Game Dev and Design

As someone who’s been a fan of video games since childhood, it was only natural that I had an interest in making games myself. I have had experience both making games myself from scratch as well as being the project lead for larger scale games.

An in-depth look at the creation process of

Main Character Development

Made for IAT 313 - Narrative and New Media by myself and my team (Ben Djukastein, Josh Ma, and Jerick Erice), taken at SFU in Spring 2023. I was the project lead, writer, and main illustrator (character, background, and scene CGs). The game is currently being hosted on indie game website and can be downloaded for free to play.

Rhythm Karamatsu

Made for IAT 167 - Digital Games: Genre, Structure, Programming and Play taken at SFU in Spring 2021, entirely by myself- including all illustrated visual assets and animations. This required programming an entire functioning rhythm game engine (as well as, of course, the game itself) from scratch in the IDE we were required to use for the project, Processing. Rhythm Heaven is one of my favorite game series, and I wanted to pay homage to it recreating 2 of the minigames from within it but built completely from scratch, as well as make one completely original level.

The biggest challenge by far was surprisingly not programming the levels, but rather creating the entire architecture for a single-input rhythm game similar to Rhythm Heaven- in effect, a very basic game engine. The course primarily focused on teaching how to create more traditional platformer games, so when I wanted to change up the formula and make time-based gameplay, I was pretty much on my own. With the help of my mentor friend Alex, I learned the very basics of design patterns and singleton classes, ending up writing my own classes to handle animations, music and audio cues, a generalized single input rhythm game “level” I could add rules to the instances of, and most importantly: a system to read text file “charts” of notes players have to hit, their timing, and their corresponding audio cues, something unique to rhythm games. With this system these charts could be made and modified by myself or any other person for any gameplay in the levels, technically allowing for charting of any song with any pattern we like and still remain playable.

How a NEET Gets Ready for the Day (Simulation)

Made for IAT 265 - Multimedia Programming for Art and Design, taken at SFU in Summer 2021. All assets were created by myself in Clip Studio Paint, as well as fully programmed in Eclipse. The goal of the project was to manage multimedia assets with systems we coded ourselves in Java following OOP structure, utilizing common API libraries. While the “gameplay” of this simulation may be much simpler than Rhythm Karamatsu, since everything was being built on Eclipse without any of the built-in conveniences of Processing it proved to still be quite the challenge.


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